Monday, February 25, 2008


This week I did not make any changes to my website but I have been doing some work in terms of trying to conceptualize and frame the site. I found one of the sub-links for one of the links that we were given useful, it has some pointers about how to create a website.

The questions that were asked this week on the discussion board had me thinking about my users and their needs. I guess I have taken a backward approach, so my plans for this week are

- to make a list of my potential users and there needs
-think about their communication
-reflect on the way the information is organized and determine if the navigation, layout, and content needs revising.
-source more information for the site.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Confused but going

This week one of my main draw backs was me not knowing what my website would be about. The second draw back was that the installation of the DreamWeaver trial version gave me some problems initially.

This week I started from scratch with DreamWeaver as before I was using FrontPage and I do not have that at home.

Well I have finally accomplished something. For next week these are my goals:

-Learn how to use some more advanced features of DreamWeaver
-Learn about color combinations for backgrounds. (I think I am not doing a good job with this)
-Add more content to my pages
-Learn about creating websites on a whole

Monday, February 11, 2008

Dreamweaver to the rescue

I am very happy that we have been introduced to Dreamweaver. Dreamweaver has a trial version, which means I can download it and work from home. I am not quite sure what I want my site to be about and I feel a bit lost. I guess I need to go back to the drawing board. So this week I will work on a plan so that I will have enough content to fill six pages.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Wanted to be a good student :(

I felt like being a good student and had the inspiration to complete my assignment by today (Sunday). I did not want to waste time, so I decided on a topic for the instructional website and did an outline of some of the content that I would include. I decided how I would arrange the homepage and I did a sketch.

I then went in search of some appropriate pictures for my web pages and saved them all in the same folder in "My Documents". I remembered that I needed the FTP application so I went to the SIUE Help Desk page and downloaded it. So I was ready to go creating my 3 web pages hurray!!!....only to discover that I d0 not have FrontPage on my computer.

So that leaves me to resort to doing it in the Lab on lovely :(.

So my things to do for this week were:
  1. Come up with a topic/concept for my web pages
  2. Search for appropriate content and images
  3. Sketch the design of the web pages
  4. Download the FTP application from SIUE Help Desk
  5. Create pages in FrontPage
  6. Ensure that all the requirements of the rubric are met
  7. FTP to my SIUE web space
  8. Check pages in browser to make sure all the links work and are not broken.
When I attempt on Monday I guess I will have more to reflect on and say.