Monday, March 17, 2008


The resources for this week's class were very informative. The Webstyle guide website seems to be the most useful of them all, but as mentioned in the syllabus it contains a lot of information. Scanning gave me an idea but I guess as I go along I will examine the relevant sections in more detail.

Most WYSIWYG editors have a section for alternate text when you upload an image. I always wondered what was the point of this. From observation I noticed that when you hovered the mouse over an image with a alternate text, the text came up. However, now I know it's an accessibility feature. I did not even consider accessibility features when I was building my website. Will bear that in mind now.

Second, I found the experiments on Multimedia learning very useful. I liked the fact that the findings were not based on just literature reviews but actual experiments done. In addition, I like the fact that it combines Instructional Design principles with psychology principles. At this stage in my web design the information is not directly applicable to me but if we were to design some multimedia activities I would definitely apply these principles.

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